Stolen Identity1
From the video essay by Allen Moore and myself. 2021.

Stolen Identity2
From the video essay by Allen Moore and myself. 2021

Chasing Ghosts
From the Performing Media Festival 20, Jacob's Escalator

my indecision
Still from the Performing Media Festival 20, Jacob's Escalator

Embedded Persona
Still from the Performing Media Festival 20, Jacob's Escalator

Discorporate Hierarchies#1
Still from the video essay

Discorporate Hierarchies#2
Still from the video essay

Discorporate Hierarchies#3
Still from the video essay

Refraction Gate
Still from the video I Dream of Electric Fungus, 2019

Still from I Dream of Electric Fungus, 2019.

From the performance Interdiscipline

Lost in The Sauce
From Interdiscipline

From the performance Interdiscipline

Nate's Birthday
Video still from the performance at Resonant Frequencies

A Perfect World Awaits
From my Resonant Frequencies performance with Nathan Hill

Video still from the video short Heliopause, 2019

From my performance with TAQO TV at Coaxial, LA 2019

screen learning
from the video short

screen learning1
from the video short

Solo Trumpet
Still from video of the same name..

Solo Trumpet 1
From the video

Fro our performance at Coaxial Arts, LA, 2019

Solo Trumpet 3
From the video

Dream It Forward
This is a video still from a collaborative project that combines Afro-Cuban dance with video art. In this frame Tina Combs is surrounded by video feedback. This project is funded by the Berkeley Civic Arts grant program.

Your Aura Is Showing
Video still from our last rehearsal in combining video art with Afro-Cuban dance.. Tina Combs on left, Tonya Powell right.

Ten Thousand Steps
Video still from my video short of the same name.

Bindery Set
Video still from a performance I did with Fred Rinne on sound and spoken word. Performance took place at The Bindery in San Francisco earlier this fall, 2017.

Video still from a work in progress, 2019

Found You Floating

For Michael B.
The latest video still...

Girl Had Me 1

Great Barrier Grief 2

With Liberty and Justice for 1%
Still from the video Psycho Nation 2.0, 2015.

Descend and Abandon
Video still from the video Descend and Abandon, (anthropocene), 2015

White Asses
Video still from the video Their White Asses, 2014

Third Eye
Video still from the video Third Eye Feedback, 2015

I'm So Happy
Still from the video "My Happy Place", 2014.

Third Eye Feedback
This is a video still taken from the video Third Eye Feedback

Usually Suspect
From the video Talking Head, 2013.
Digital prints, films and light boxes are available for all stills.

Handsome Devil
From the video Talking Head, 2013.

Melting Face
From the video Talking Head, 2013.

Banana Mandala
From the video DiskoParty.

Not So Good VS Not So Evil
From the video DiskoParty.

Me and My Clones
From the video A Better Place, 2012.

Mirror Mirror
From the video A Better Place, 2012.

Grabbing Bowl
From the video Gator-E-Later, 2013.
Stolen Identity1
From the video essay by Allen Moore and myself. 2021.
Stolen Identity2
From the video essay by Allen Moore and myself. 2021
Chasing Ghosts
From the Performing Media Festival 20, Jacob's Escalator
my indecision
Still from the Performing Media Festival 20, Jacob's Escalator
Embedded Persona
Still from the Performing Media Festival 20, Jacob's Escalator
Discorporate Hierarchies#1
Still from the video essay
Discorporate Hierarchies#2
Still from the video essay
Discorporate Hierarchies#3
Still from the video essay
Refraction Gate
Still from the video I Dream of Electric Fungus, 2019
Still from I Dream of Electric Fungus, 2019.
From the performance Interdiscipline
Lost in The Sauce
From Interdiscipline
From the performance Interdiscipline
Nate's Birthday
Video still from the performance at Resonant Frequencies
A Perfect World Awaits
From my Resonant Frequencies performance with Nathan Hill
Video still from the video short Heliopause, 2019
From my performance with TAQO TV at Coaxial, LA 2019
screen learning
from the video short
screen learning1
from the video short
Solo Trumpet
Still from video of the same name..
Solo Trumpet 1
From the video
Fro our performance at Coaxial Arts, LA, 2019
Solo Trumpet 3
From the video
Dream It Forward
This is a video still from a collaborative project that combines Afro-Cuban dance with video art. In this frame Tina Combs is surrounded by video feedback. This project is funded by the Berkeley Civic Arts grant program.
Your Aura Is Showing
Video still from our last rehearsal in combining video art with Afro-Cuban dance.. Tina Combs on left, Tonya Powell right.
Ten Thousand Steps
Video still from my video short of the same name.
Bindery Set
Video still from a performance I did with Fred Rinne on sound and spoken word. Performance took place at The Bindery in San Francisco earlier this fall, 2017.
Video still from a work in progress, 2019
Found You Floating
For Michael B.
The latest video still...
Girl Had Me 1
Great Barrier Grief 2
With Liberty and Justice for 1%
Still from the video Psycho Nation 2.0, 2015.
Descend and Abandon
Video still from the video Descend and Abandon, (anthropocene), 2015
White Asses
Video still from the video Their White Asses, 2014
Third Eye
Video still from the video Third Eye Feedback, 2015
I'm So Happy
Still from the video "My Happy Place", 2014.
Third Eye Feedback
This is a video still taken from the video Third Eye Feedback
Usually Suspect
From the video Talking Head, 2013.
Digital prints, films and light boxes are available for all stills.
Handsome Devil
From the video Talking Head, 2013.
Melting Face
From the video Talking Head, 2013.
Banana Mandala
From the video DiskoParty.
Not So Good VS Not So Evil
From the video DiskoParty.
Me and My Clones
From the video A Better Place, 2012.
Mirror Mirror
From the video A Better Place, 2012.
Grabbing Bowl
From the video Gator-E-Later, 2013.